My Store
Fully Custom Illustrated Event Poster
Fully Custom Illustrated Event Poster
If you've ever seen an awesome illustrated flyer or poster for an event and wondered who made it/where you could get one, look no further! I have made several
When you purchase this package, you will get:
+ 1 initial call (or text message meeting if you prefer) to talk over your event, the info needed for the flyer, and the style/content you are looking for. If you have photos to reference or piece of media you want to reference/parody, this is when you'd send that along for review.
+ Up to 3 variation sketches for you to choose from before finalization/production
+ 1 final flyer/poster image at high res, exported and sent to you as a PNG file for commercial and personal exclusive use by you. If you need multiple sizes, layouts, or versions with varying information, you can order those separately via messaging